Rules to Make Decisions:

Six Balls In Each Over
A cricket match has a fixed over limit and any cricket match is played keeping in mind the same extent. In an over, there are 6 balls, right after which the batsmen on both sides change their place and where one batsman faces the ball, the other becomes part of the runner for him and contributes to the runs.
 Holding the ball out and going as far as that, the more runs (Every Catch Means Out and The Further Runs You Make):
After hitting the ball of cricket with his bat, a batsman runs away to make the run, while the other bowlers have to try to bowl the ball out and throw the batsman out. If the bowler or any of the other 10 players catch that ball then the batsman gets out and one innings ends as 10 wickets fall.
Psl schedule and teams 2018
When a batsman crosses the ball across the field, then he gets four runs, and if the ball reaches the line outside the sky, then the batsman gets 6 runs.
Rules to Make Decisions:        

After the dismissal of any batsman, the bowling team appeals to the umpire and the umpire indicates their result. In view of various rules of cricket, two umpires tell their decision and if the umpire is not in the position to make a decision, then the third umpire is supported.


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