Wide Ball:

Wide Ball:
If a bowler throws the ball and throws it away from the batsman, then the batsman gets another run along with an extra ball. When the batsman changes his place once with each other, the batsman who is batting, gets one run, if the bowler gets the ball before the batsman gets to his place, Pakistan super league teams 2018 throw the stumps If you give, then the batsman is out.
Rule Related With Wicket Keeper:
Three wooden kiosks in one wicket are stumps, behind which a wicket keeper stands, which is from the bowling team. The wicketkeeper's job is to throw the ball quickly at the wicket and throw it on the wicket and some laws related to nasty doping and inhalation during the innings apply to law players.
Pakistan super league teams 2018

Batting And Balling:

There are two sides of a coin and the probability of both of them is equal when it is tossed. In the cricket match, the decision of batting or baling is also done by lifting a coin that involves captains of both the teams. The winning team only decides that they will start batting or bowl and the same way the cricket match starts.


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